Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Two weeks later...

Knight & Play has now been on sale for a couple of weeks and all I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW.

The book has taken off like a blummin' rocket!

I am utterly thrilled and exhilarated whenever a good review pops up, or someone tweets or emails to tell me they love Lucien. I don't think it'll ever get old.

We're now at no.13 in the UK erotic chart and no.15 in the .Com erotic chart - it has already exceeded my wildest expectations, every day feels like christmas morning.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to everyone who is helping to spread the word on facebook, or twitter, or on the bus, or in the pub  - you are all officially frackin'  FABULOUS.


  1. I loved the book as well!!!:) i love lucien and the characters I felt sooo bad at end just so glad that Lucien showed up at door and didn't leave Sophie behind but made sure everything was ok I hope she tears up her husband leaves his butt and sticks with Lucien he has a sweet side you can tell he does !:) and he obviously cares if he gave his mothers bracelet to her and said that she was strong . I felt the feelings they felt right along with them and I am way to excited to see book 2 and how the battle went with the Viking and the no good husband !
