Sunday, 23 December 2012

Sign up for updates...

Hello lovely people!

I've had zillions of requests for information about the release date for book two, and i'd love to be able to let you know as soon as I do.

I'm setting up a newsletter facility here on my blog, but in the meantime, please feel free to email me your email details and i'll keep them safe and add you to the list.
(I won't ever share or distribute your email details, just so you know.:O))

CLICK HERE to e-mail me your details.

Thanks so much for supporting Knight & Play, it's been like Christmas day on repeat ever since I published the book. It's blown me away, i'm honestly thrilled, thrilled, thrilled.

Merry Christmas & Happy holidays one and all!

Kitty x

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Two weeks later...

Knight & Play has now been on sale for a couple of weeks and all I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW.

The book has taken off like a blummin' rocket!

I am utterly thrilled and exhilarated whenever a good review pops up, or someone tweets or emails to tell me they love Lucien. I don't think it'll ever get old.

We're now at no.13 in the UK erotic chart and no.15 in the .Com erotic chart - it has already exceeded my wildest expectations, every day feels like christmas morning.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to everyone who is helping to spread the word on facebook, or twitter, or on the bus, or in the pub  - you are all officially frackin'  FABULOUS.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Something that made me titter...

I've recently joined Goodreads, and am currently stumbling around there like a clumsy toddler trying to find my feet.
I did find this though, and it absolutely made my day. I can't thank the lady enough who took the time to put it together. I was blown away, and it made me really, really laugh!

Click here to read sparkly Goodreads review by clever lady